Committee of Writing Mentors, Biostatistical Analysis and Regulatory Support

Kristina Adams Waldorf, MD
Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
R38 PI and Program Director
Expertise: Maternal-placental-fetal infectious disease and immune response; writing and review of CDAs (Chaired NIH study section focused on CDAs), R38 PI and Program Director; >100 publications

Rhea Coler, PhD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Expertise: Broach expertise in the pathogenesis of infectious disease and vaccine trials; ~160 publications

Erin Dwyer, MPH
Analyst, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Research Core
Expertise: Statistical analyst in the UW OB/GYN Research Core, supervised by Dr. Ronit Katz

Kelly Gilmore, MPH
Associate Director of Research Operations, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Research Core
Expertise: Contraception, community-engaged research, maternal and child health disparities, regulatory support

Shaun Jackson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
R38 Assistant Program Director
Expertise: Autoimmunity, B cell tolerance, adaptive immunity

Ronit Katz, DPhil
Research Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Research Core
Expertise: Biostatistician, biomarkers; >230 publications

Mindy Pike, PhD
Analyst, Department of OB/GYN
Research Core
Expertise: Epidemiologist, women’s health

Jeff Munson, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Director of R38 Data Management Core
Expertise: Statistics, data management and data sharing; will supervise data sharing generated by R38 scholars and depositing of data into appropriate repositories

Lakshmi Rajagopal, PhD
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Expertise: Bacterial infections, host-pathogen response; ~90 publications

Susan Reed, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Prior Director of K12 WRHR and Research Core
Expertise: Menopause, reproductive endocrinology, epidemiology; prior Director of the OB/GYN K12 program; extensive experience mentoring and aiding clinician-scientists in manuscript and grant writing; built the OB/GYN Research Core; >150 publications

Robert Steiner, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of OB/GYN
Expertise: Reproductive endocrinology, small animal models; decades of experience mentoring; long-term member of the OB/GYN manuscript/grant writing taskforce; ~140 publications

Elizabeth Swisher, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of OB/GYN
Director of K12 WRHR
Expertise: Gynecologic oncology; Director of OB/GYN K12 program, strong track record of mentoring clinician-scientists; >325 publications

Lucia Vojtech, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Department of OB/GYN
Expertise: Mucosal immunology; recently transitioned from a CDA to launching her own laboratory. Now holds 2 R01s.>40 publications. URM faculty.
Fellowship and Post-Residency Training Programs Available to R38 Scholars in Seattle with an IMM/ID Focus
K12 Grants
Women’s Reproductive Health Research
University of Washington Obstetrics & Gynecology (PI: Goff)
Pediatric and Reproductive Environmental Health Scholars (PREHS)
University of Washington Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (PIs: Karr, Sathyanarayana)
T32 Grants
Pediatric Injury Research Training Program
University of Washington Pediatrics (PI: Rivara)
Basic Training at the Intersection of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
University of Washington Immunology (PI: Gale)
STD and AIDS Research Training Grant
University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD (PI: Wald)
Training in Cancer Biology and Transplantation
University of Washington Medical Oncology (PI: Davidson)
Disease of Public Health Importance
University of Washington Global Health (PI: Lund)
Research Training in Rheumatology
University of Washington Medicine / Pediatrics (PI: Elkon, Rawlings)
Child Health Equity Research
University of Washington Department of Pediatrics (PI: Coker)
Academic Pediatric Infectious Disease
Seattle Children’s Research Institute (PI: Urdahl)
Training Program in Infectious Diseases in the Immunocompromised Host
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (PI: Boeckh)
Interdisciplinary Training in Cancer Research
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (PI: Stoddard)