All students must complete the following required assignments before they can receive a clerkship grade. It is the student's responsibility to submit the mid-clerkship feedback, breast CEx, pelvic CEx forms to the Clerkship Administrator by the conclusion of the clerkship (final grades will be held until received and a statement appearing under the Overall Assessment of Professional Behavior or Conduct on your final evaluation form submitted to the Registrar).
Evaluation of Student Performance in Clinical Curriculum
Due by end of week 4 of clerkship (Mid-Clerkship Feedback)
The Evaluation of Student Performance in Clinical Curriculum Form (completed by reviewing Faculty/Resident) is required for final grade release. Students should solicit feedback frequently during their rotation, but are required to receive formal, mid-clerkship feedback in week 2 or 3.
This form can be submitted to the Clerkship Administrator via obclerk@uw.edu.
Observed History
Students are required to be observed taking minimum of one (1) history during their OB/GYN clerkship. These can be entire histories, or can be part of the history.
No submission necesssary for observed history.
Breast & Pelvic Mini-CEx (Clinical Examination Skill)
Due by end of clerkship
The Obstetrics and Gynecology clerkship has chosen the performance of pelvic and breast exams, including patient communication, professional attitude, and actual performance of the examination, to be our required mini-CEx. Following are forms to be used for its evaluation and feedback. You should expect to have observed pelvic and breast examinations with the required feedback at least once during your clerkship. Students must have both CEx forms completed by the end of the clerkship.
These forms can be submitted to the Clerkship Administrator via email at obclerk@uw.edu.
If students are unable to complete the required CEX: Breast and Pelvic exam, the alternatives are:
- Complete either exam during another clerkship and have preceptor attest using our form. Send to obclerk@uw.edu once completed.
- Perform either exam during the UWSOM Clinical Skills refresher course. The student will be scheduled to complete this exam and have the OB/GYN faculty attest. Please reach out to obclerk@uw.edu for refresher course dates.
Two (2) Write-Ups
Students are required to complete a minimum of two (2) formal write-ups during their clerkship. The write-ups consist of complete histories and physicals and may be incorporated into the patient's chart. All write-ups will be reviewed by the physicians involved in the case and will be re-examined for the purpose of providing you with feedback. Students should obtain preceptor feedback early so they can steadily improve. All workups or other notes in charts must be signed by a physician.
Note: while students are only required to complete two write-ups some sites may require more than the minimum.
These write-ups are submitted to preceptors and/or site directors only. Please do not send these to the Clerkship Administrator.
Patient Encounters
Logged in E*Value due by end of clerkship
Students must have active patient involvement in each category OR complete an alternative experience quiz:
Condition or Disease | Alternative Experience |
Abnormal Pap Smear | Objective #3 |
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding | Objective #45 |
Cesarean Section Delivery | Objective #32 |
Complicated OB(Diabetes, preterm labor, premature membrane rupture, Hypertensive disorders, 3rd trimester bleeding) | Choose 1 Objective: 2-17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 |
Contraception | Objective #33 |
1st Trimester Bleeding |
Choose 1 Objective: 15, 16, 34 |
Intrapartum Care of Laboring Patient | Objective #11 |
Menopausal Symptoms | Objective #47 |
Pelvic Mass | Choose 1 Objective: 53, 54, 55 |
Pelvic Pain | Objectives: 38, 39, 46, 49 |
Postpartum Care | Choose 1 Objective: 13, 14 |
Prenatal Care | Choose 1 Objective: 9, 10 |
Vaginal Delivery | Objective #32 |
Vaginitis or Gynecologic Infection | Objective #36 |
Students will document these patient encounters using the Evalue on-line log. For manuals and videos on how to enter your patient encounters into Evalue please visit the Clinical Encounters page. Students should use the LCME Patient Encounter Form to keep a weekly tally before entering the data on Evalue (form available in "Forms" tab of this website).
If the student has not been actively involved with a patient in each of the above categories by the end of the clerkship, the student must fulfill an acceptable alternative experience by completing the corresponding APGO quiz (please refer to the "welcome to the obgyn clerkship" email received on your first day of clerkship for access; mobile friendly).
Once completed, the student must:
- Submit the Encounter via Evalue
- Forward confirmation to Clerkship Administrator by the final day of the clerkship (you do not need to send proof of E*Value submission).
Clerkship Evaluation
Due End of Third/Beginning of Fourth Week of Rotation
To improve the basic Ob/Gyn clerkship, we need your assistance. A Student Evaluation of Clerkship and Student Evaluation of Educator (for each faculty/resident you worked with) completed thoughtfully via E*Value are required for completion of the clerkship. Final clerkship grades will be held until these are completed