Clerkship Information

The Ob/Gyn Clerkship begins to build the minimal foundation of knowledge and skills which you will need in obstetrics and gynecology, regardless of the specialty you decide to enter. This minimal foundation is described in the five goals that follow.

Goals & Objectives
This is unpublished

Course Description

This course is an introductory experience in the provision of comprehensive medical care and counseling services to adult and adolescent female patients. The obstetrical conditions and gynecological problems commonly encountered by the physician provide the primary focus for this clerkship experience, but knowledge of serious, less common conditions, is also required.

Some learning activities at each site are preplanned, however many activities are left for each student to plan and develop in the manner in which they best learn. It is the student's responsibility to identify and pursue learning which complements the preplanned activities and leads to fulfillment of the course objectives.

We realize that students will not see examples of every entity listed in the goals or the specific topics required for this clerkship. However, students are responsible for obtaining some knowledge about each of the topics. It is a goal of the department to help develop problem-solving, self-directed, and independent-learning physicians.


The expectation for the Basic Ob/Gyn Clerkship is that you begin to build the minimal foundation of knowledge and skills which you will need in obstetrics and gynecology, regardless of the specialty you decide to enter. This minimal foundation is described in the five goals that follow.

It is recognized that in a busy 6-week clerkship mastery of all of the goals will be difficult. However, through efficient use of your time and sound planning, good progress will be realized in attaining these five goals.

Goal 1

Perform directed histories and physicals, and document this by written workups.

Perform directed histories and physicals and document this by written workups. Perform 1 Observed History.

Curriculum: Faculty will teach students how to write an appropriate Ob/Gyn workup. Students will practice taking a history that is observed by a preceptor

Benchmark: The exercise of writing comprehensive women's health workups will be benchmarked. An example can be found in the Reference section of the website.

Test: A total of two workups will be evaluated and critiqued by designated faculty. This component will be incorporated into the final clinical evaluation form. One observed and critiqued history taking session is required. Faculty will provide feedback to the student on this skill

Goal 2

Perform complete breast and pelvic exams on appropriate patients.

Curriculum: It is expected that all students should master the basic breast and pelvic exam during the clerkship. These skills have been previously introduced and practiced in ICM I and II. Students will be taught these exams by residents, attendings, and preceptors in the outpatient and operating room settings. Online videos of a breast examination as well as a breast and pelvic examination are available in Quicktime format.

Test: Perform at least one complete breast and pelvic exam. The physician preceptor will evaluate the exam and document it on the corresponding Mini-CEx form (available in the Reference section of the website).

If students are unable to complete the required CEX: Breast and Pelvic exam, the alternatives are:

  1. Complete either exam during another clerkship and have preceptor attest using our form. Send to once completed.
  2. Perform either exam during the UWSOM Clinical Skills refresher course. The student will be scheduled to complete this exam and have the OB/GYN faculty attest. Please reach out to for refresher course dates.

Goal 3

Acquire knowledge about Core Ob/Gyn conditions and diseases.

Curriculum: It is expected that students will learn the core Ob/Gyn curriculum as specified in the "Course Content" section in the Required Topics tab of the clerkship website. This list of required topics was first described by the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics and is currently available via APGO. In addition, students will also be exposed to patients with a variety of medical conditions.


  1. Students will actively participate in the evaluation and care of patients presenting with a variety of medical complaints or needs.
  2. Students will have direct face-to-face interaction with these patients. Students will read all required topics by the end of the 5th week, with 6th week for review.
  3. Students will be able to progressively determine a differential diagnosis and management plan for common OB/GYN conditions and concerns.
  4. Students will be able to deliver oral presentations describing their patients and simultaneously demonstrating their knowledge and management skills.


  1. Students will document patient encounters via E*Value.
  2. If the student has not been actively involved with a patient in each of the above categories by the end of the 5th week of the clerkship, the student must fulfill an acceptable alternative experience by completing the corresponding APGO quiz. Please refer to "Patient Encounters" under the Required Assignments tab of this website. More details to follow on the first day of clerkship.
  3. Students will demonstrate their acquisition of this knowledge on the final Ob/Gyn exam.

Goal 4

Demonstrate interpersonal communications skills.

Curriculum: Preceptors will model appropriate behavior. Students will:

  • Establish rapport with patients.
  • Be able to efficiently and respectfully communicate with patients about sensitive OB/GYN topics or concerns.  

Test: Students will be evaluated specifically on these interpersonal skills and this evaluation will be reflected in the Student Performance Evaluation Form.

Goal 5

Demonstrate appropriate professional characteristics.

Curriculum: Faculty will model appropriate behavior. Students will:

  • Demonstrate responsible and dependable involvement in patient care.
  • Participate actively in learning opportunities and work assignments.
  • Recognize your own limitations. Adhere to assignments in a professional manner.
  • Students participating in patient care activities are expected to present a professional image in both conduct and attire, including the following:
    • Personal cleanliness
    • Attire appropriate to professional environment
    • Fresh, clean, white coat (in clinic)
  • Professional conduct also includes the following:
    • Charts are to be left in the hospital
    • Don't discuss patients in public places
    • Don't argue diagnoses in front of patients
    • Arrive for clinics on time

Test: Students will be evaluated specifically on these interpersonal skills and this evaluation will be reflected in the Student Performance Evaluation Form.