If you're interested in a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology, please contact us! Our Clerkship Director, Dr. Mendiratta, is the mentor for all students planning a career in our specialty.
You should plan to meet with Dr. Mendiratta at any time, preferably as soon as you realize you're interested in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The meeting can be in person or on the phone if you're in WWAMI for your rotations. For 1st and 2nd year students, please be prepared to discuss your reasons for considering OB/GYN. For 3rd year students, please be prepared to discuss any fails or expansions (past or planned), your clerkship grades, and your USMLE Step 1 score.
All interested students should strongly consider joining The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ACOG. This are our national organization. ACOG deliveres many valuable resources for students, residents, and practitioners in OB/GYN. Students are encouraged to attend the annual ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting (typically held in the Spring). In addition to many wonderful learning and networking opportunities, there are numerous student specific activities that can be invaluable:
- Step Up to Residency Program for 3rd & 4th year students
- John M. Gibbons Medical Student Lecture
- Medical Student Reception,
- OB-GYN Resident Fair
- Medical Student Hands-On and CV prep Workshops
Potential funding to support a medical student’s trip to this meeting is provided by ACOG District VIII and the Sections in District VIII. (please contact Linda Kinnane, District Project Manager VIII Project Manager, LKinnane@acog.org
For more information and to become a member, please visit the APGO site
In addition to all of the resources with ACOG, The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) also provides rich material for medical students. APGO is our national education organization. Students can access many useful things on their website:
- APGO Residency Directory
- APGO Medical student Objectives
- Teaching cases and videos
- Basic Clinical Skills Curriculum Teaching Modules
Other information & Advice from Matched Students
- FAQ for students with OB/GYN interest
- Exeptional Personal Statement Examples (courtesy of Internal Medicine)
- Open Forum Between OB/GYN Interns and Students Interested in Apply to OB/GYN Residency Programs
- Advice from 2018 matched UW Student into OBGYN residency
1st and 2nd Year Information
Below are the electives offered in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for first and second year medical students. For more information regarding a particular course, please contact the Clerkship Administrator at 206-543-3892.
At present we are unable to accommodate preceptorships.
OB GYN 550: Voluntary Pregnancy Termination: Overview of Medical and Social Issues ***Temporarily Closed***
- 5 half-day clinical observations
- 35 hours textbook/journal article reading
- Written examination

Lyndsey Benson, MD
OB GYN 551: Perinatal Care Elective: Overview of Perinatal Care with Emphasis on Late 3rd Trimester, Labor & Delivery, Postpartum
This course is offered at Northwest Hospital. Students must have reliable transportation to enroll in this course.
- Observe patient-provider relationship
- Optional labor and delivery observation

Deborah Blue, CNM
3rd Year Information
Advising 3rd year medical students for 4th year preparation
Date of session: 10/25/2021
4th Year Information
For UW Medical Students, we are very excited that you are interested in pursuing a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Like all students, you will need to apply via ERAS to be considered for an interview position at UW. Your entire record will be carefully reviewed prior to any decision to offer an interview. Please try to submit your application through ERAS on opening day.
For 4th year Visiting Medical Students who come for an "away" elective rotation in our department, you will need to go through the formal application process through ERAS and will be considered for an interview during the regular interview season, again, on a competitive basis.
As interview season approaches, we are pleased to offer an informal session on "Interviewing Pearls" every Fall. This will be led by faculty and residents. Click here to read tips from Dr. Mendiratta on the interview process.
The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) developed a useful guide for students interested in a career in the field. Comprehensive Women's Health Care: A Career in Obstetrics and Gynecology may be downloaded from APGO's website.