Evolving the Preconception Health Framework: A Call for Reproductive and Sexual Health Equity
Dr. Lisa Callegari
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We envision a future in which everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible and health systems deliver the highest quality care equitably across all populations.
To conduct research and develop innovations in health care delivery that help people and institutions achieve the best outcomes possible through high quality, equitable, patient-centered, safe, and efficient health care. We acknowledge that attention to health equity is fundamental to efforts to improve healthcare quality.
- Develop innovative solutions for real world practice, advocate for translation of research into policy, and promote implementation and dissemination for widest impact
- Acknowledge the central role of patient autonomy and the importance of patient-centered care
- Center the needs of marginalized populations, investigate root causes of disparities, and develop strategies to eliminate disparities using a structurally competent approach that recognizes the overlapping systems of oppression (racism, poverty, gender-based discrimination, etc.) that limit people’s ability to be healthy
- Cultivate respectful and meaningful partnerships with the communities we serve and work to build systems within and outside the formal healthcare system to meet peoples’ needs.
- Train and mentor the next generation of health services and health equity researchers
Notable Achievements
- Development of “MyPath,” a web-based decision tool designed to promote patient-centered discussions about reproductive desires and connect people to services needed to achieve or prevent pregnancy, now being tested in a multi-centered RCT in the Veterans Health Administration, an NIH R01-funded RCT, and in local and state-level demonstration projects nationally
- Funded for national mixed-methods study designed to understand and address racial disparities in gynecologic care related to uterine fibroids in the Veterans Health Administration
- Re-evaluated national guidelines for endometrial cancer screening among women with postmenopausal bleeding, revealing marked disparities in accuracy of the test among Black women - a novel potential cause of the racial disparity in survival
- Launched the SISTER (Social Interventions for Support in Treatment of Endometrial cancer and Recurrence) Study, the first ever national randomized trial designed to improve outcomes among Black women with EC at 8 sites across the US
Principal Investigators

Lyndsey Benson, MD, MS
Research Interests: management of early pregnancy loss, abortion access, pregnancy tissue research, contraception, health services

Lisa Callegari, MD, MPH
Research Interests: health services, family planning and contraception, pre-pregnancy health care and maternal health, health disparities and equity, person-centered care, patient-provider communication, shared decision making, measurement of patient-centered outcomes

Kemi Doll, MD, MSCR
Research Interests: health equity, endometrial cancer, hysterectomy, community engaged research, population level analysis, patient reported outcomes
Centers & Networks: ECANA, UNC Carolina Hysterectomy Cohort

Linda O. Eckert, MD
Research Interests: Immunization: efficacy, implementation, intersection of immunizations with reproductive health, use of immunizations in pregnancy, vaccine policy, vaccine equity; cervical cancer prevention: HPV vaccine efficacy studies in special populations, cervical cancer screening trials, cervical cancer prevention policy development
Centers & Networks: World Health Organization consultant, Gavi Immunization Review Committee Member, ACOG Expert Immunization and Public Health Preparedness Advisory Group, ACOG Liaison to ACIP, PATH RSV advisory board, I-Tech Technical Advisor on Cervical Cancer Prevention

Barbara Goff, MD
Research Interests: early detection of ovarian cancer, novel treatments for ovarian cancer based on personalized functional genomics, management of treatment related side effects in women with ovarian cancer
Research Centers & Networks: NICHD K12 Training Grant, NCI Cancer Target Discovery and Development, National Comprehensive Cancer Network