Recent JAMA Oncology publication by Dr. Elizabeth Swisher and colleagues
Dr. Elizabeth Swisher
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We work to understand who is at elevated risk for ovarian cancer, and how we can treat specific mutations and genetic alterations to improve outcomes. Our research has led to an improved understanding of how genomics, immunology, and molecular biology impact gynecologic cancers. One-size-fits-all chemotherapy and radiation treatments may one day be a thing of the past.
Notable achievements
- Transformative work to identify modifiable factors in endometrial cancer racial inequity
- Early detection of ovarian cancer through symptom recognition
- Novel treatments of ovarian cancer
Principal Investigators

Kemi Doll, MD, MSCR
Research Interests: health equity, endometrial cancer, hysterectomy, community engaged research, population level analysis, patient reported outcomes
Research Networks: ECANA, UNC Carolina Hysterectomy Cohort

Barbara Goff, MD
Research Interests: early detection of ovarian cancer, novel treatments for ovarian cancer based on personalized functional genomics, management of treatment related side effects in women with ovarian cancer
Research Centers & Networks: NICHD K12 Training Grant, NCI Cancer Target Discovery and Development, National Comprehensive Cancer Network

Heidi Gray, MD
Research Interests: Clinical trials in ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer; improving patient outcomes with surgical pathways
Research Centers & Networks:

John Liao, MD
Research Interests: gynecologic cancers, ovarian cancer, immunotherapy, clinical trials
Centers & Networks: Cancer Vaccine Institute, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

Barbara S. Norquist, MD
Research Interests: inherited ovarian cancer risk, genetics, tailored cancer prevention

Kathryn Pennington, MD
Research Interests: molecular genetics of sporadic and familial ovarian cancer, and gynecologic cancer survivorship

Elizabeth Swisher, MD
Research Interests: Genetics, personalized therapy for gynecologic cancers, harnessing DNA repair defects to treat cancers, ovarian cancer prevention and early detection, genomics and predictors of response to therapy, clinical trials