Clinical availability of the copper IUD in rural versus urban settings: A simulated patient study
Drs. Elizabeth Micks and Lyndsey Benson
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Our mission is to conduct innovative research to advance the field of family planning. Our work aims to develop novel methods of contraception, to increase access to family planning methods and services, to optimize procedures for pregnancy termination and management of early pregnancy loss, and to identify ways to promote reproductive justice and autonomy. Our collaborative research seeks to bridge clinical and basic sciences with social science, advocacy, and racial equity. We strive to ensure the rights of all individuals to achieve their reproductive goals.
Notable Achievements
- Participation in multi-site clinical trials for new methods of contraception and abortion
- Facilitation of practice change and documentation of knowledge related the provision of EPL care in the emergency department and outpatient setting
Principal Investigators

Lyndsey Benson, MD, MS
Research Interests: management of early pregnancy loss, abortion access, pregnancy tissue research, contraception, health services

Lisa Callegari, MD, MPH
Research Interests: health services, family planning and contraception, pre-pregnancy health care and maternal health, health disparities and equity, person-centered care, patient-provider communication, shared decision making, measurement of patient-centered outcomes

Elizabeth Harrington, MD, MPH
Research Interests: general obstetrics & gynecology, complex family planning and contraception, global family planning, adolescent reproductive health

Sarah Prager, MD, MAS
Research Interests: Early pregnancy loss, immediate postpartum contraception, abortion training and education, contraception training and education, global sexual and reproductive health training and education