OB/GYN 621: Rexburg, ID

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site information


John W. Allred, M.D.

Site Director


Here is some example text for the sidenote. Try to keep this text short because it will live in the right-hand margin.

Madison Women's Clinic

15 Madison Professional Park
Rexburg, ID 83440


David Mecham
Practice Administrator
208-356-6185 ext. 824

housing details

For this required clinical clerkship students will be contacted by the Idaho WWAMI office at idwwami@uw.edu. Students are responsible for confirming whether they WILL or WILL NOT need to stay in the WWAMI medical student housing in a timely fashion. Prior to accessing the housing students are required to complete the necessary paperwork and provide a check for damage deposit.

The UW SoM WWAMI Student Travel website is managed by the GoWWAMI team and is the best resource for students who have questions about travel and reimbursement.

credentialing & onboarding

Student credentialing and onboarding for clerkships that rotate through Madison Memorial Hospital are directed to email the Madison Memorial Staff Office at garrett.miller@madisonhealth.org or Brooklyn.clark@madisonhealth.org. This will need to happen at least one month prior to the rotation starting.

Please complete the following forms prior to beginning your rotation: