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Preeclampsia and later-life cardiovascular disease study seeking participants

September 2, 2021
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It is known that women who experience high blood pressure complications during pregnancy (i.e. preeclampsia) are at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease (heart disease, strokes, etc.) later in life, however, we don’t fully understand why this happens.

What is the goal of the study?

The purpose of our study is to better understand whether cells transferred during pregnancy influence the development of later-life cardiovascular disease. Specifically, we are interested in whether there are differences in the amount of cells in those that had uncomplicated pregnancies versus those that had preeclampsia

Are you eligible?

We are seeking female participants, age 18-70, who have a current diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure requiring medications, heart disease, history of a heart attack, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, etc.) who have been pregnant before. The pregnancies could have been uncomplicated or complicated by preeclampsia (high blood pressure).

What to expect?

Participation in the study involves one blood draw and collection of offspring cheek swabs (if possible). The blood draw is done at one of our UW sites and can be scheduled at your convenience. The cheek swabs are self-collected at home and do not require a study visit. We will also review your current medical records and records from your deliveries.

Who do I contact?

To learn more about the study:

  • Enter your preferred method of contact via this link for a study member to contact you with more information.


How is this project funded?

This project is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

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