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Frequently asked questions

What is an NIH R38 StARR (Stimulating Access to Research in Residency) Award? 

The goal of this NIH program to recruit and retain outstanding residency applicants interested in performing additional research during residency and follow a career path to becoming a physician-scientist.

Why should I become an NIH R38 StARR Scholar? 

We need more physician-scientists in obstetrics and gynecology to address the most important problems facing women’s health. Physician-scientists are critical for translational science and can move our field in the laboratory, clinical trials, pharmaceutical companies, and as scientific policy leaders.  
The path to obtaining National Institute of Health funding for a translational science program is difficult. After completion of the R38 StARR program, the individual is virtually guaranteed to receive an NIH K38 award (career development award) that can be used to launch your research program.  

 How is the R38 research time scheduled in the UW OB/GYN residency? 

The UW OB/GYN R38 StARR program would add one year to the residency for a total of 5 years. Applicants matched into the R38 Research Program will have protected research time in their PGY3 (3 months), PGY4 (3 months) and PGY5 years (6 months).  

What kinds of projects could I participate in or lead during my time on the R38?

The UW OB/GYN R38 StARR program is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  This means that R38 scholars in our residency must conduct research in infectious disease, immunology, tumor immunology, cancer or infectious disease vaccines, epidemiology of infectious diseases, immunotherapeutics, or autoimmunity.  Please see our list of faculty mentors and review the focus of their research programs.

How do I apply for the UW OB/GYN R38 StARR Award? 

Please visit the UW OBGYN residency webpage to learn how to apply for the UW OB/GYN R38 StARR Program:  
Applicants interested in the research track will be asked to complete an additional 500-word response in the supplemental application to describe their research related career goals and to identify potential mentors. Those offered an interview will interview with clinical faculty, the R38 StARR Research Advisory Committee, and potential R38 mentors.  

How do I get more information about the UW OB/GYN R38 StARR Program?

For more information on this program, please write to the R38 StARR Program Director, Dr. Kristina Adams Waldorf (