Site Information

Silddy Atilano, M.D.

Hannah Vigne, M.D.
Community Hospital of Anaconda
401 West Pennsylvania
Anaconda, MT 59711
Phone: 406-563-8500
Please see the WRITE Homepage for more details.
Office/Clinic Experience
Students will see office patients with Dr. Vigne. Students can expect to be assigned patients to review before their visit, collect the history and appropriate physical exam, present the patient with a plan, and write a note. During call shifts, students will round on admitted patients with Dr. Vigne.
Labor and delivery experience
Students will follow patients throughout their admission on labor and delivery, including admittance, progress through labor, delivery, and postpartum stay. If the student stays late to deliver, they will be given the day following to rest. Students will assist in cesarean deliveries that are often planned in the operating room schedule, but can happen unplanned during a call shift.
gyn or
The student will scrub into major and minor Gyn cases with Dr. Vigne and her colleagues as the schedule allows. The student is expected to know indications for the procedure, basic anatomy, and summary of steps of the procedure. The student will be encouraged to use their suture skills in the operating room.
Students are encouraged to attend one of the live virtual clerkship orientations via Zoom (happen on the first day of every clinical rotation, i.e. "Summer A," "Summer B," etc. Please contact the OB/GYN Clerkship Administrator at for the link to attend orientation if interested and able to do so. Otherwise, students will need to watch an older, recorded version found here.
WRITE students are required to complete all requirements of this clerkship. Students will need to review this clerkship website, particularly the sections on Required Assignments and Student Evaluation.
Credentialing Information
The Montana WWAMI Regional Office will be in touch with incoming students if special credentialing is needed at the WRITE site.