site information

Polson: Providence St. Joseph Medical Center
#6 13th Ave East
Polson, MT 59860
Phone: 406-883-5680
Ronan: St. Luke Community Hospital
107 6th Ave SW
Ronan, MT 59864
Phone: 406-676-4441
St. Joseph's (Polson): Eristina Moore
St. Luke (Ronan): Liane Clairmont
Please see the WRITE Homepage for more details.
Office/Clinic Experience
Students will round on OB/GYN patients and will see office patients with Dr. Vigil and Dr. Straub. Students will attend rounds and hospital admissions as needed, as well as GYN surgeries. The remaining time will be with patients in Dr. Straub's clinic and seeing a variety of women's health patients as part of Dr. Vigil's Family Medicine clinic.
Students are encouraged to attend one of the live virtual clerkship orientations via Zoom (happen on the first day of every clinical rotation, i.e. "Summer A," "Summer B," etc. Please contact the OB/GYN Clerkship Administrator at for the link to attend orientation if interested and able to do so. Otherwise, students will need to watch an older, recorded version found here.
WRITE students are required to complete all requirements of this clerkship. Students will need to review this clerkship website, particularly the sections on Required Assignments and Student Evaluation.
Hospital Experience
Students with Dr. Straub will round and participate in OB Deliveries, OB surgeries, and GYN surgeries at St. Joseph's. Students will also participate in vaginal and surgical deliveries with the Family Practice/OB physicians at St. Luke. Students will round as needed, seeing post-op patients, inpatients, moms, and well newborns at the hospital with the same team of physicians. If the hospital is slow, the student schedule will be augmented with extra clinic time.
Other Information
Students will rotate in the Emergency Department as the need arises, for OB and FM admits.
Credentialing Information
The Montana WWAMI Regional Office will be in touch with incoming students if special credentialing is needed at the WRITE site.