Site information

Site Director
MGH Mountain View Women's Health Clinic
Mailing Address
2300 Kati Court, Ste A
Shelton, WA 98584
Deb Cannon
Phone: 360-426-0955
Clinic & Hospital Experience
Students will be assigned to one or two physicians during their rotation and follow that physician in seeing clinic patients, hospitalized patients, surgeries, and deliveries. Students will be expected to take call with the precepting physician, typically one day per week and one weekend during the rotation. On a typical week the student will be in clinic 2-3 days, in surgery 1 day, and on call for Labor and Delivery 1 day. Students will assist with abdominal, vaginal, and laparoscopic surgery. Students will triage labor patients, monitor labor progress, and perform supervised vaginal deliveries. In clinic, students will take histories and perform all clinical procedures, such as IUD placement and removal, coposcopies, biopsies, etc.
Students are encouraged to attend one of the live virtual clerkship orientations via Zoom (happen on the first day of every clinical rotation, i.e. "Summer A," "Summer B," etc). Please contact the OB/GYN Clerkship Administrator at for the link to attend orientation if interested and available to do so. Otherwise, students will need to watch an older, recorded version found here.
LIC students are required to complete all requirements of this clerkship. Students will need to review this clerkship website, particularly the sections on Required Assigments and Student Evaluation.
Other Information
Students will have Emergency Department consultations with on-call physician.
Credentialing Information
Students will need to complete the credentialing documents found here. Additionally, students must provide a copy of their immunizations (must show current TB and current flu shot) as well as a current photo. All of these items should be submitted to Jennifer Fitchitt.