OB/GYN 671: Anchorage, AK

This is unpublished

Site information

Alaska Women's Health

3260 Providence Drive, Suite 322
Anchorage, Alaska 99508

Paige Morrow

Historical Perspective

The WWAMI clinical clerkships provide key opportunities for the medical student to return to or become acquainted with Alaska. Recruiting future physicians for Alaska is a recognized goal of the program and the major reason of continued governmental support.

The Anchorage medical community for women's health care has had close ties with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Washington. During the early 1970's, clinical faculty members traveled to Seattle to participate in the teaching program at the University Hospital. Interest in an Anchorage clinical clerkship in OB-GYN led to the first clerkship rotation in the fall of 1978.

Geographic Considerations

Anchorage, located at the head of Cook Inlet, is the major medical referral center for Alaska. Lying 1500 miles northwest of Seattle, Anchorage had to develop medical facilities to handle most major medical problems. By the early 1970's, the facilities and the medical personnel were in place. Continued recruitment assures excellent health care for Alaska's population. The results: an exciting combination of sophisticated health care within a few hundred miles of vast wilderness.

Opportunities for outdoor activities abound. Anticipate cool, wet and cold weather—including snow from November until May.

Teaching Hospitals

Providence Alaska Medical Center and The Sisters of Providence have a long history of pioneering health care in Alaska. The medical center with its modern facilities and well-trained staff of specialists is able to manage most medical problems. The Maternity Center couples a family-oriented staff with a sophisticated "hi-tech" facility. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is one of the largest on the west coast, staffed by experienced nurses and seven neonatologists. To insure expert care for the high-risk mother and fetus, Providence Alaska Medical Center sponsors LIFEGUARD ALASKA, a system of maternal and neonatal transport teams. Often high risk mothers are referred to Anchorage for evaluation and care by the specialists at the medical center. At other times, the maternal and neonatal transport teams travel to remote sites to evaluate, stabilize, and transport patients to Anchorage.

Statistical summaries of the OB-GYN service at Providence Alaska Medical Center have shown peaks in recent years, secondary to the pipeline boom. However, conservatively, approximately 2400 newborns per year are delivered and approximately 1000 gynecological procedures are performed each year.

We use Providence Alaska Medical Center as the main teaching hospital. In-hospital patient care is under the direct supervision of the preceptor physician. The patients' health care is managed by the team--you and your preceptor.

Providence Contact Information:
Paige Morrow

Students will also spend time at Alaska Regional Hospital.

Alaska Regional Medical Staff Contact Information:
Main Contact: Laura Nixon

All students spend a week with Gyn Onc at Alaska Women's Cancer Care.

Alaska Women's Cancer Care Contact Information: Melissa Hardesty, MD



1.) You will need to contact med staff personnel at BOTH hospitals for applications and credentialing requirements: 

Providence Hospital
Paige Morrow

Alaska Regional
Laura Nixon          

Please check in often w/ the med staff to stay up to date on what is needed from you. 

Fill out the Pre-Application Request Form

2.) Complete Medical Student Application & Supervising Physician Form and Scope of Practice form

Please fill out your portion of both of these and SCAN AND EMAIL (no photo scan apps please as the quality is NOT suitable for this documentation) them back to Ciera Stafford, the Alaska WWAMI Program Coordinator. 

Upon receipt Ciera will collect the required/necessary physician signatures on your behalf and return to med staff at both offices. 

*Dr. Amanda Beery is your clerkship director/supervising physician. 

4.) Alaska Regional Hospital (as a part of the HCA group) requires ALL med students to complete Alaska State Background Checks that must be completed within less than a year of the start date.

***Alaska WWAMI Students: Your background check should already be current. Please request your background check from Nancy Hall (njhall@uaa.alaska.edu) and forward to Shyla (sdema@uw.edu) with your other forms.

You will also need to complete a background check through Providence Hospital, for which they have their own system and process. Please contact the Medical Student Coordinator at akmedicalstaff@providence.org for more information about this.

The cost of the background check is to be covered by the student.

5). Alaska Regional requires ALL med students to submit annual TB records or 2-step PPD test.

6.) DRUG TESTING IS REQUIRED FOR ALASKA REGIONAL--NO MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. Students should see the UW SoM Drug Testing Procedure: https://www.uwmedicine.org/education/Pages/Drug-Testing-Procedure.aspx

This site requires drug testing as apart of their credentialing requirements. According to the SOM drug testing policy, all drug testing needs to be done through the SOM.  Please go to the SOM Compliance drug testing webpage where they can order a drug test online:   https://www.uwmedicine.org/education/Pages/Drug-Testing-for-Select-Clerkship-Rotations.aspx

7.) IF YOU ARE A RETURNING MEDICAL STUDENT, please submit the following:

Clinical Setting and Faculty

The clinical faculty are board certified specialists with a keen interest in teaching. The student is assigned to a preceptor for six weeks. During this period of time, the preceptor and student coordinate their schedules. The days are busy with office hours, lectures, weekly conferences, labor / delivery call, and surgery.

Call & Pagers

The students take call from home with their preceptors to attend after-hours births, surgeries and Emergency Room consultations as they occur.

Final Exam

Students will take the proctored NBME exam remotely on Zoom on the last Friday of their rotation. Most students do this from their housing or a study room, and then leave Alaska Friday afternoon or evening. If you have questions, please contact somtests@uw.edu.

Student Housing

Arrival / Check-In
Students may check into AK WWAMI housing after 3pm on the Sunday afternoon prior to the start of their rotation.

Departure / Check-Out
Students must vacate AK WWAMI housing on Friday afternoon, after they complete their testing, by 3pm.

*Early arrivals and late departures require prior approval. If such approval is not sought or granted, housing accommodations and expenses will be the student's responsibility.*

Please contact Ciera Stafford for more information.


Students may rent a car for the rotation and the cost will be reimbursed. For more information: https://depts.washington.edu/gowwami/driving.htm