
Personal Interests:
Family Events and Game Night, Cooking, Gardening, Reading
What do you like about working at UW Medicine?
UW Medicine and its extensions with Children's, Harborview and Fred Hutchinson, provides a rich academic environment facilitating collaborative scientific research!
What inspires you?
First and foremost, being surrounded by positive role models at all levels of my daily life. My research endeavors to improve women's reproductive health have not wavered over the course of my career. The impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) on young women's reproductive health continues to be underappreciated, understudied and underfunded. The need for vaccines and preventative technologies to prevent acquisition of STIs continues to be a global problem. Thus, my laboratory continues to perform much needed preclinical studies to move potential vaccine candidates/preventative technologies into Phase 1 clinical trials.
Date Joined UW Medicine: 1973
Languages: English
My NCBI: My NCBI Bibliography