page outline

The following videos will teach the principles of pregnancy ultrasound, infection control, fetal anatomy, how to date a pregnancy, maternal pelvic anatomy, how to examine amniotic fluid volume, placenta anatomy, fetal presentation, how to identify certain serious complications (such as bleeding, ectopic and multiple gestation pregnancy, and intrauterine growth restriction) and fetal anomalies.
Video 1
Welcome and Introduction to the Course
This video provides a general introduction and overview of the training course.
Video 2
Learning Objectives:
How Ultrasound Works
How to use the Ultrasound Machine
Video 3
Learning Objectives:
Orient the Transducer
Orient the Screen
Rapidly Survey a Pregnant Uterus
Determine Fetal Orientation from a Single Transverse Scan
Video 4
Learning Objectives:
The Purpose of IPC
How to Keep Equipment Clean and Safe
how to Wash Your Hands Properly
How to Properly Cover Your Cough
Video 5
2nd & 3rd Trimester Anatomy
Learning Objectives:
How to Identify Normal Fetal Anatomy of the Head, Heart, Abdomen, Spine, Extremities, Skull, Face, and Brain
Video 6
Fetal Dating: 2nd & 3rd Trimesters
Learning Objectives:
How to Measure the Head, Abdomen, and Femur to find Fetal Age
How to Scan the Correct Level for each Structure
How to Choose the Best Ultrasound Images to Assess Fetal Age in the 2nd and 3rd Trimesters
Video 7
Learning Objectives:
How to Identify Normal Structures
How to Identify Common Problems during Pregnancy
Video 8
Learning Objectives:
How to Identify the Following Structures on Ultrasound: Gestational Sac, Yolk Sac, Fetus, Corpus Luteum
How to Describe how the Fetus Grows during the First 13 Weeks
Video 9
Learning Objectives:
How to Measure "Mean Sac Diameter" to Estimate Fetal Age
How to Measure "Crown Rump Length" to Estimate Fetal Age
How to Choose the Best Ultrasound Images to Assess Fetal Age
Video 10
Learning Objectives:
Measure the volume of amniotic fluid.
Provide appropriate care if amniotic fluid levels are too low or too high.
Video 11
Learning Objectives:
Identify the position of the placenta
Evaluate for placenta previa
Assess for placental abruption
Conduct appropriate follow up and referrals if you suspect either condition
Video 12
Fetal Lie and Presentation
Learning Objectives:
Why it is important to identify the fetal lie and presentation
How to identify an abnormal fetal lie or presentation
When to perform a follow up ultrasound
Video 13
1st Trimester Pain and Bleeding
Learning Objectives:
Identify the normal and abnormal gestational sac
Evaluate fetal cardiac activity
Identify the signs of complete and incomplete miscarriage
Identify the signs of molar pregnancy
Perform appropriate ultrasound followup
Video 14
Learning Objectives:
Identify the signs of an ectopic pregancy on ultrasound
Assess the risk level of ectopic pregnancy and respond appropriately
Video 15
Multiple Gestation Pregnancy
Learning Objectives:
Identify dizygotic and monozygotic twins on ultrasound
Identify complications that can result in high-risk birth
Properly refer patients with multiple gestation to the hospital
Video 16
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Learning Objectives:
Evaluate for IUGR on clinical exam
Evaluate for IUGR with ultrasounds using three different indicators
Make appropriate referrals for IUGR
Video 17
Learning Objectives:
Identify some important abnormalities
Many fetal anomalies cannot be seen by ultrasound or are difficult to see
Some babies you scan may be born with abnormalities you did not see on ultrasound
Video 18
Course Review and Video of Sonographer Scanning a Patient
Learning Objectives:
This video represents a review of what you have learned and shows a sonographer scanning a pregnant woman.
Learn how to make the patient comfortable during the examination
Review how to measure fetal biometry and the amniotic fluid index
Review how to perform the ROBUST scan