site information

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The spotlight title goes here
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620 South Haynes Ave.
Miles City, MT 59301
Housing Contact
Jennifer Marsh, MBA
Billings Clinic
Director of Regional Operations: Eastern Montana
620 South Haynes Ave.
Miles City, MT 59301
Mobile: 406-951-0648
Office: 406-233-7000
Compliance Contacts
Laura Romero - for 3-week inpatient sessions with Dr. Littlefield at Holy Rosary.
Kristina McComas - for WRITE MEDLIC 1 & WRITE MEDLIC 2 with Dr. Sue Gallo at Miles City Billings Clinic.
Please see the WRITE Homepage for more details.
Office/Clinic Experience
Students round on OB/GYN patients and will see office patients (including minor procedures) with Dr. Littlefield (for 3-week inpatient OB/G) and with Dr. Sue Gallo. As this is part of WRITE, these activities will occur weekly over a 5-month period of time and will be coordinated with the rest of the WRITE preceptors currently engaged in teaching.
Students are encouraged to attend one of the live virtual clerkship orientations via Zoom (happen on the first day of every clinical rotation, i.e. "Summer A," "Summer B," etc. Please contact the OB/GYN Clerkship Administrator at for the link to attend orientation if interested and able to do so. Otherwise, students will need to watch an older, recorded version found here.
WRITE students are required to complete all requirements of this clerkship. Students will need to review this clerkship website, particularly the sections on Required Assignments and Student Evaluation.
Hospital Experience
Students will participate in surgical OB and GYN with Dr. Littlefield and Dr. Gallo. Students will round as needed, seeing post-op patients, inpatients, mothers, and well newborns at the hospital. Students will participate in ER experiences as the needs arise.
Credentialing Information
**Miles City requires an annual drug screen and T.B. test.**
The Montana WWAMI Regional Office will be in touch with incoming students if special credentialing is needed at the WRITE site.