WRITE 630: Butte, MT

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Site information


Serena Brewer, DO

Southwest Montana Community Health Center

Southwest Montana Community Health Center

445 Centennial Ave
Butte, MT 59701




Please see the WRITE Homepage for more details.

credentialing Contacts

Credentialing is handled through St. James. Students should contact Emily Stenson for OBGYN rotations at least 6 weeks prior to the rotation:

Emily Stenson, Compliance: emily.stenson@imail.org
Brooke Taylor: brooke.labreche@imail.org

The Montana WWAMI Regional Office will be in touch with incoming students if special credentialing is needed at the WRITE site.

Housing contacts & Car

A car is a must for the OB rotation in Butte as the student works in multiple offices. Housing is either a small stand-alone house near the hospital or a 1 bedroom apartment just a few minutes east of the hospital. No pets please. Contact Serena Brewer or Karen Cook at least 6 weeks prior to the rotation with housing requests or questions:

Serena Brewer, DO: sbrewer@swmtchc.org

Karen Cook: kcook@swmtchc.org


Credentialing Information

The Montana WWAMI Regional Office will be in touch with incoming students if special credentialing is needed at the WRITE site.