Site information

Site Director
Kaiser Permanente-Capitol Hill Medical Center
200 15th Avenue E
Seattle, WA 98122
Fax: (206) 877-0649
This course is an introductory experience in the provision of comprehensive medical care and counseling services to adult and adolescent female patients. Obstetrical conditions and gynecologic problems commonly encountered by the physician provide the primary focus. Students will have an initial orientation at the University of Washington, and their final exams will take place there as well. During their stay at Kaiser Permanente, they will be assigned alternating one-week blocks to Ob/Gyn Clinic and Labor & Delivery respectively. Kaiser Permanente is a unique experience in that students will have a great deal of autonomy but will also have the opportunity to spend most of their time working one – on one with an attending.
Students may apply to this clerkship here.
Orientation/Site Contact
Students will attend clerkship orientation at the University of Washington on the first day of rotation and will report to Kaiser Permanente Capitol Hill (2nd Floor of the Central North Building) at 8am on the following day.
Clerkship director/site contact:
Adriana Piazza, MD
Swedish Medical Center
Labor and Delivery was relocated to Swedish Medical Center in 2015. At Swedish, our in-house, OB Hospitalist model will remain unchanged.
Please expect email communication in your inbox from New Innovations to complete a Swedish Onboarding Checklist (check your spam/junk folder). If you have any questions or concerns, please email .
The Swedish parking application can be found here. Note that Swedish hospital parking is not free and you will be billed for on-site parking. If you are applying for parking, email the completed form to
Credentialing paperwork is due to Kaiser Permanente's Office of Medical Education no later than 3 weeks prior to the start of the rotation. Any credentialing question should be sent to the GME office.
- Application for Clinical Learning
- FWA Fact Sheet
- HIPAA Quick Reference
- Principles of Responsibility (contact KP GME office for this document)
We require the following vaccination records documenting and confirming students are current with their full set of immunizations – With immunization dates included:
- COVID-19 (2 shots, or as required by most recent KP Employee Health policy)
- MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) vaccination (2 shots)
- Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccination (2 shots)
- Hepatitis B vaccination (3 shots)
- Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis) vaccination (1 shot)
- Tuberculosis Skin Test (TB) [negative] within the last 12 months prior to the start date of your upcoming clinical rotation
- Annual Influenza vaccination
For verification send immunization document to for a signature.
Clinical Faculty
We are nine Board Certified Ob/Gyn physicians on staff at our site. Five of these physicians have an appointment with the University as Clinical Instructors. All of our staff physicians are dedicated to the teaching of students and residents.
Site Overview
While in the Ob/Gyn Clinic, students will be assigned to a staff physician, initially observing and then performing patient interviews, pelvic exams, office obstetrical care and pre-surgical work ups. Students will have the opportunity to observe minor surgical procedures at the Kaiser Permanente's Outpatient Surgical Center. Effort will be made to assign each student to a limited number of physicians in the clinic to facilitate rapport and enable the physician to monitor student progress throughout the rotation.
While on the Labor & Delivery rotation, students will be assigned to the obstetrical staff physician on call, who will be responsible for having the student observe from one to three deliveries per day. Depending on the total exposure of the student, and his/her ability, the student may be able to provide some deliveries, with or without episiotomy or laceration repair. Students will attend morning ward rounds with the attending and the family practice residents. Students will also have the opportunity to observe the Antepartum testing unit, lactation consults with our Lactation Consultants and patient interviews with our Medical Social Workers.
Students will be expected to take overnight call every seventh night including at least one 24-hour weekend shift. Students will be asked to make up a schedule after starting the rotation.
Kaiser Permanente is the site of the out patient clinic, labor and delivery and outpatient surgery. Within the campus there is a full laboratory and pharmacy, radiology, urgent care, 24-hour inpatient care unit, and a large number of sub-specialty clinics. Location is at 200-15th Ave East in the Capital Hill Area. All Labor & Delivery will occur at Swedish Medical Center.
There will be three one-hour conferences given by the staff physicians weekly. The students will be expected to present one topic at one of these meetings. Students will also attend Ob/Gyn Teaching Rounds and other exercises that occur on Wednesday mornings at the University of Washington.
The medical center does not provide meals. A variety of restaurants are close by . Microwave ovens and refrigerators are available for your use.
Parking space is provided via our Central South Building Garage. Please refer here for directions. Your Kaiser Permanente security badge includes your garage access – Please pick this up at the Central Main Building Security Office. Alternatives to driving include the #10 and # 43 Metro buses, which stop at the hospital.
Call & Pagers
During the rotation students should expect to have two weekday night calls and one weekend day call. Students are excused from clinical responsibilities on the days following any call nights. Students are encouraged to stay for any call nights or additional time on call to follow interesting patients or cases at their discretion. They are allowed to pick and choose call nights and times at their discretion so they can either plan scheduled dates over the rotation, or wait for particular nights when more is happening on Labor and Delivery.
Pagers are not required for this rotation; however, students are expected to use their cell phones as they would a pager.
Students will be evaluated on their performance in surgery, delivery room, and the clinics. They will also be evaluated on their presentation and their work ups as well as by the final written examination at the University.