Site information

Site Director
Madigan Army Medical Center
BLDG 9040, Fitzsimmons Drive
Tacoma, WA 98431
GME Coordinator
Office: 253-968-1511
Fax: 253-968-0958
Welcome to Madigan Army Medical Center. We are one of the major US Army medical facilities participating in the Clinical Clerkship Program. This program is well supported by the commander of the hospital, as well as the clinical staff. We are very proud of our training program and our opportunity to contribute to your medical education. The following information is provided to assist in orienting you to Madigan and Fort Lewis and to make your time with us successful and productive.
Directions to Fort Lewis and Madigan Army Medical Center
From I-5 take Exit 120 (Ft. Lewis Main Gate). Proceed to the Visitor Center (to the right of the gate) to obtain a one-day pass to enter post. You will need your vehicle registration, proof of insurance and a valid driver's license. After receiving your pass, take a right turn out of the Visitor Center and go to the third traffic light and turn left onto Pendleton Avenue. Proceed to Madigan (name of street changes to Jackson Avenue). Do not exceed posted speed limits. Madigan will be on the left and park in any parking lot except patient parking areas.
For Credentialing Paperwork contact the clerkship coordinator.
All paperwork must be turned in no later than 30 days prior to the start of your rotation. Please fax your paperwork to 253-968-0958, attention clerkship coordinator. Please confirm with her that she received your paperwork. If you do not meet this deadline, your rotation will be canceled.
Additionally, students will need to complete a background check including fingerprints 90 days prior to the start of the rotation. Nichole Davenport will be in contact with those students to work on this. If this is not completed by the 90 day deadline, your rotation will be canceled.
If you arrive at Madigan between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., report to the Graduate Medical Education (GME) office located on the 2nd floor of the medical mall (Point of Contact at the GME office is Holly Miller. The address is Graduate Medical Education, Madigan Army Medical Center, ATTN: MCHJ-EDME, Tacoma, WA 98431). Once you've checked in with GME and completed your in-processing, you may proceed to the IHG Army Hotel, Bldg. 0211 on Utah Street. The easiest route is to go back out to Jackson Avenue (main road in front of the hospital) and go left out to Madigan Gate. Get on I-5 going south and re-enter Fort Lewis at Main Gate where you first obtained your vehicle pass. Follow the signs to the hotel and turn right at the second light onto Nevada Avenue. The hotel is on the left side of the road, telephone number (253) 966-9738. You will check in and receive the key to your room. Further directions will be given to you by lodging personnel when you check in.
If you arrive after 4:30 p.m. and before 6 p.m., report directly to the hotel. If you will be unable to arrive until after 6 p.m., please call the Fort Lewis Lodge at (253) 966-9738 to let them know you will be arriving late. If you have made other arrangements for lodging, please call the IHG Army Hotel and cancel your reservations.
You will need a car for this rotation.
First Day Instructions
Medical students are expected to report to MAMC at 0800 on the first day of the rotation in the Holsinger conference room for in processing with Ms. Krzmarzick. After in processing, they should come to the site director's office on the third floor of the nursing tower in the ADC clinic. Students may report to the check-in desk and will be directed to Dr. Scribner's office. Students should expect to have computer training on Monday if they haven't yet rotated through MAMC with the first day of clinical encounters on Tuesday.
Telephone Messages and Mail
Following is a list of telephone numbers in the department. You will be given a department telephone roster upon arriving at the clinic.
Dr. Kalen Hubbs, Site Director
Mallory Brosier, Resident Coordinator: (253) 968-0325
Front Desk, Clinic: (253) 968-1406
Labor & Delivery: (253) 968-1540/1535
Mallory Brosier will accept emergent messages for you. If you wish to have your mail forwarded, please use the following address:
Madigan Army Medical Center
ATTN: MCHJ-CLG (Medical Student-Your Name)
Tacoma, WA 98431
Housing and Meals
You will be staying at the IHG Army Hotel (2107 Utah Ave.) on base while on rotation at Madigan. The Clerkship Administrator will coordinate reservations for all students. Prior to the start of your rotation please contact the reservations office at 253-964-0211 ext. 0 to confirm your stay.
There is a shuttle service offered from IHG Army Lodging and Madigan Army Medical Center. Click here for the current shuttle schedule.
While at Madigan, you may purchase all meals in the hospital dining facility. The Madigan Café, located near the old hospital, is open for lunch only. Additionally, located near the hospital dining facility are located the following: Sushi, Subway, and Anthony's Pizza. There are refrigerators and microwaves available in the break room in the clinic and on the Labor and Delivery Deck.
Dress Code
At all times you are expected to present a neat and clean appearance. During the workweek, male students should wear a shirt, tie, slacks, and short white coat. Blue jeans and shorts are not acceptable attire during normal working hours.
Scrubs are worn on Labor and Delivery and in the operating room. Scrubs are not to be worn outside the hospital and soiled scrubs should be changed as soon as possible. On weekends, more casual clothing may be worn at the direction of the senior residents.
Lockers for medical students are available on Labor and Delivery.
Call & Pagers
During your clerkship you will be assigned to shift work on Labor and Delivery (L&D). L& D shifts are 8-10 hours. Some shifts extend into Saturday morning or Sunday evening. However, it is unlikely that you will rotate on the weekends unless there is a holiday during your rotation.
Pagers are not required for this rotation; however, students are expected to use their cell phones as they would a pager.
Department Conference Schedule
There is a formal conference and morning report each weekday at 7:00 a.m. in the OB/GYN conference room (Sakakini Conference Room located by L&D). Attendance is mandatory. Each Wednesday morning is dedicated to didactic lectures and a Practice Based Learning session.
Again, I welcome you and look forward to an exciting clerkship for you in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Madigan Army Medical Center. If you have any questions we have not covered in this handout, please contact Mallory Brosier at 253-968-0325.