Site information

Site Director
Logan Health OB/GYN
Mailing Address
210 Sunnyview Lane, Suite 201
Kalispell, MT 59901
Student Affiliations Department
Office: (406) 752-1775
Logan Health Medical Center, Main Floor
First door on the left as you enter Entrance B, "Visitor Entrance"
Mailing Address
310 Sunnyview Lane
Kalispell, MT 59901
Before Your Clerkship
For onboarding - Logan Health uses the myClincalExchange web based platform. This platform is for rotation requests, compliance, and scheduling clinical experiences. To visit myClincalExchange – please go to:
All onboarding paperwork needs to be returned 60 days prior to start. If paperwork is submitted late; your start may be delayed!
Office/Clinic Experiences
Students will round in the morning and work in the clinic the rest of the day (depending on the MD's schedule), seeing patients with one of five doctors learning what a general OBGYN does in practice. See sample schedule. In addition, the student will be in surgery about one day per week. Students also have the opportunity to rotate at the Logan Health Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic.
Hospital Experience
Students will round each morning with one of the physicians each day, seeing inpatients, moms, and well newborns at Logan Health Medical Center. The student will be assigned to cover Labor and Delivery one day per week or more based on volume. Students will also have the opportunity to see patients in the Emergency Department as the need arises.
You are also invited to the Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana didactics each Wednesday during your rotation here (1:00-4:00 p.m. each Wednesday--often runs later depending on speaker). They do have days that didactics are not held, so you can check with Kellie beforehand to see if they are meeting and to get the details of the sessions being held. If this is something you are interested in, please contact Kellie so she can send you an invite!
Informal Didactics will be arranged by each attending.
Kellie Combs:
Transportation & Housing
Please visit our website!