Site Information

Site Director
Sheridan Women's Clinic
Mailing Address
1333 W. 5th Street, Suite 203
Sheridan, WY 82801
Britney Varner
Office: 307-675-5833
Fax: 307-675-2602
Office/Clinic Experiences
Sheridan Women's Clinic is a busy women's health practice offering a full range of primary and specialty care. The practice is fairly evenly divided between obstetrical and gynecologic patients. Because of our rural location, we provide extensive high risk pregnancy care, with MFM flying in monthly. We perform over 300 deliveries a year. We have advanced OB and GYN ultrasound, many in office GYN procedures performed daily and robotic surgery.
As part of your credentialing paperwork you will need to provide immunization records, which must include your MMR, TDAP, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Influenza (if onsight October 1- March 31) and a 2 step TB placement test, which can be retrieved via CastleBranch (see How to access your compliance documents).
Prior to arrival, students will need to upload the following documents to ReadySet:
- Employee Health Paperwork
- Immunization records (as referenced above)
Students will need to send the following HR forms to Britney Varner:
- Medical Staff Preceptee Policy and Acknowledgement
- Personnel Form
- Code of Conduct
- Head shot photo for name badge (jpeg or similar)
- A letter of good standing from WWAMI
Students will also have to complete MyNetLearning modules for HR:
- Safety/HIPAA Compliance training modules - students will be contacted directly via email with an online link and login information for the training modules.
Hospital Experience
We perform several major and minor operative procedures each week. The vast majority of hysterectomies are done either vaginally or laparoscopically. We have an active urogynecologic surgical practice as well.
Before Your Rotation
Please make sure you complete the required paperwork (see above) and submit to Britney no later than 15 days prior to your start date. Britney will touch base with students a few weeks prior to the start of the rotation with a schedule for the first day. She generally meets students at the front desk on the first day of the clerkship to give students a tour of the facility and get students to their orientation meetings.
We encourage applying on the ACOG website for the free student membership to access educational resources as this may take several weeks to be granted access.
Please send in a photo and brief bio about yourself that can be placed in the patient rooms. This will put patients at ease with students and provide a better experience for patients and students overall.
Every Monday students will be expected to attend didactics (tumor board lectures, etc). Once a month the Sheridan Women's Clinic holds a luncheon to discuss various topics. Students will have the opportunity to participate and/or lead the discussion.
Transportation & Housing
For information about the housing, please contact Britney. This site may be able to accommodate students with families with enough advanced notice. Students need to provide their own vehicle for this clerkship.