Site information

Karissa Keenan, M.D.
Site Director
St. Alphonsus - Boise - Obstetrics and Gynecology
1072 N Liberty Street, Suite 100
Boise, ID 83704
Administrative Contact
Kandice Rembelski
Sr. Practice Manager
During your six-week rotation at St. Alphonsus - Boise - students will work with providers in the outpatient clinic setting providing care to pregnant and non-pregnant women.
This includes (but is not limited to) routine health maintenance and preventative visits, management of chronic GYN conditions, consultations and workup of gynecological problems, prenatal care, family planning, and a wide variety of procedures. Additionally, you will have outpatient time in the gynecologic oncology and maternal fetal medicine clinics.
Students will also participate in hospital patient care with patients on labor and delivery, consultations in the ED, and assist in a variety of GYN surgeries. Students will participate in call, including overnight shifts pending rotation schedule.
Students should anticipate joining virtual clerkship orientation at 8:30am Pacific Time on the first day of the clerkship. Link to orientation will be sent to students approximately one week prior to orientation.
credentialing information
Students will be required to complete credentialing requirements online prior to beginning of rotation. Online modules must be completed prior to rotation. You may be required to complete scrub training. Credential information can be obtained by contacting Kimberly Philipps (
housing details
For this required clinical clerkship students will be contacted by Cherri Bingham
Students are responsible for confirming whether they WILL or WILL NOT need to stay in the WWAMI medical student housing in a timely fashion. Prior to accessing the housing, students are required to complete the necessary paperwork by signing a housing contract.
The UW SoM WWAMI Student Travel web site is managed by the GoWWAMI team and is the best resource for students who have questions about travel and reimbursement.
Students are responsible for providing their own transportation for this clerkship.